Posts in My Life
A World Where Time Does Not Exist

Our darling girl, Ivy Lynne Sohn Rogers, came into the world last week. Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words after my previous post, where I shared my fears that I wouldn’t be able to love this second child as much as my first.

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My LifeLydia Sohn
Turns Out, I Don't Know How to Relax

Well, she’s still in there, taking her sweet time, so here’s another blog post. While I had fully intended to write a post for last Wednesday, I was in the throes of finishing up all of my tasks at work so I could break for my maternity leave without any lingering responsibilities.

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My LifeLydia Sohn
I Had the House to Myself

I had the rare luxury of having the house to myself this past weekend. My husband went to go visit a friend in LA and dropped off our son at my parents’ house. And oh my god, I cannot fully express how glorious this time alone was.

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My LifeLydia Sohn
I'm Back

Dear readers, here I am, getting back into the swing of weekly posts. My last post before I went on summer break was on June 25th and it feels as if both so much and very little has changed.

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My LifeLydia SohnComment
This Morning

I woke up around 7 a.m. It was a cool morning, which would be enveloped by the spring sun in a few short hours. I set the table with one of our standard meals—a toasted croissant, fruit, nuts. Milk for him, coffee for me. 

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My LifeLydia Sohnpopular
Balancing Parenting with Other Life Pursuits

I’m currently reading You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and finding so many gems. The premise of this book is that most physical illnesses stem from emotional roots. She doesn’t believe all illnesses can be cured through spiritual/emotional healing but her own story is one where she did in fact cure herself of cancer through forgiveness and claiming her worth and power.

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