Posts in My Life
Daily Routines or Vacations?

We returned from our family vacation in Italy last week. Since then, memories have flashed through my mind, like scenes from a dreamy movie. 

I was a bit nervous about taking my 3 and 6-year-olds on this trek across the world with the long plane rides, layovers, jet lag.

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Summer Is Here

At the downtown coffee shop, a 7-year-old boy with golden hair that flops just above his ears watches his tablet with oversized earbuds. Coloring books, a library book about dinosaurs, and transformers are strewn across the table where he is seated. His mother glances at him every couple minutes between making cappuccinos and grabbing pastries for customers.

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I’m on vacation right now. Sometimes, we don’t know how hard and fast we’re going until we stop. We flew out to Massachusetts to visit my in-laws and they took our kids in while James and I went to Cape Cod for the weekend…by ourselves.

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Summer Style

Summer time is here and I am loving it. I’m generally a fall/winter gal but now that I have a kid in the public school system, I’m really leaning into summers as a time to slow down, create a lot of free time for play and exploration, and impromptu picnics with family and friends.

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