Summer Nights

Just a momma and her girl on a hot summer afternoon.

Just a momma and her girl on a hot summer afternoon.

The summer heat in Southern California is brutal, particularly during the August and September months. The temperature frequently climbs over 100 degrees and there’s no rain to ease the sun’s intensity. Our natural surroundings wilt no matter how much water we hose onto them and I feel like I’m wilting as well.

I’ve never been much of summer person, always being more drawn to cooler weather, rain, wool sweaters, warm drinks, cuddling up in front of a fire, you get the idea.

As a child, I remember my friends complained on rainy days while I jumped with joy. My brother and I would set up blankets and snacks upon the ledge of the large bay windows that overlooked our entire neighborhood and watch the rain as if engrossed in our favorite movie. 

Similarly, some of my favorite memories during my east coast graduate school years consist of me walking home on snowy evenings, pitch dark by only 5 p.m. I would walk in the middle of the empty streets with arms wide open to catch the snowflakes in my palms. 

Many complain about seasonal affective disorder during the winter months. I may be one of the few who has it during the summer months.

In an effort to turn my mood around, I resorted to my fail-proof gratitude practice. Listing everything I’m grateful for always has a magical effect of shifting my negative energy and silencing my internal complaint reel on repeat.

So here goes. Why I’m grateful for atrociously hot Southern California summers: 

  • At least it’s a dry heat! This also means fewer mosquitoes.

  • The kids love being naked and barefoot.

  • Which means, they get to play with their favorite toy: water.

  • We live in a desert climate so it cools down nicely at night, just in time for post-dinner strolls with the amber sky upon our backs.

  • Popsicles.

  • Sleeping with windows wide open.

  • Much of the farm shrivels but the tomatoes blossom.

  • Picnic dinners under shady trees.

  • Crisp, sun-dried clothes.

  • I get to do my night time routine of stretching underneath the moon and stars.

  • Outdoor parties with our family pod!

  • Linen shirts, airy shorts, flowy dresses, hats, and sandals.

There you have it. I feel better already.

Whenever you feel low, try taking 5-10 minutes aside to write down everything you’re grateful for in regards to a situation you dislike and see how you feel afterwards.