
Painting by Carrie Stephens

Painting by Carrie Stephens

They move like waves.

They come and with their force, possess your entire body.

And then,

they go.

When you’re swept up by one,

Don’t make up a big story or beat yourself up for missing yet another day of work, chores, or whatever task you convince yourself you need to complete. Don’t make rash decisions or hurt others.

Be gentle with yourself. Don’t expect much from yourself.

Sit with the grief, anxiety, panic, fear—whatever form it takes this time around.

Let yourself feel it all.

Let yourself cry. You can show your friends and family members the pain. 

For the wave will pass and the calm will arrive. It always does.

In a day, they will forget your drama and so will you. 

Withhold your urge to rush a wave’s coming or going. Your belief that you can control its movement is an illusion.

Sometimes, waves are short-lived. Other times, you feel as if it’s the end of your life.

Immerse in the water and let it take you where you need to go. 

Let it have its way with you.

When it passes, you will rise even higher, even more elevated

than before.